Monday Snapshot (does this count?) – 1st year montage

I know this is not a photo… or even photos… okay, in fact it is a video… well actually videos!

This is our sweet girl’s very first year in video form. Wow, what a year it has been. *tears*

Check out the other Monday Snapshots (that are actually snapshots)!

27 responses

  1. SERIOUSLY! SO FREAKING CUTE!!! Mine was way longer and just pictures. If I had used the videos, it would have been more than a half hour! Great job Mama….she’s adorable! From that first moment until today….and for always!

  2. Oh wow! This is so precious. I had to turn the volume on my computer all the way down, because that song with this video was making me a blubbering mess, I just couldn’t take how sweet and emotional it is!

  3. So beautiful – TEARS!!!!! I can’t believe our girls are 1! How did this happen so fast? I can’t imagine how it will feel when someone asks her age and I have to say one…. best year of my life! What is the name of this song??? So perfect πŸ™‚

  4. Oh Alidia! You swwt little thing! You are just so beautiful & it has been so amazing to watch you grow. I am sitting here with tears rolling down my face!

  5. Oh my gosh….I can’t handle this video, SO sweet and precious. What beautiful, wonderful memories you all have made as a family. LOVE LOVE LOVE!

  6. Wow – this makes me TOTALLY regret not getting more video of Stells throughout the year. This video is AMAZING Fiona!!
    I love the moment you unswaddled her – SOO big!
    That plane shot with the bloody mary’s – I cracked right up.
    Jumping at 5:00 – way to go Alidia!
    What a year it has been, indeed….

    • This video is so very beautiful. What a wonderful keepsake. You did an amazing job, Fiona! I especially love when you are dancing with her when she was little bitty. And also of the bloody mary’s on the plane with a sleeping baby. I still can’t imagine a plane ride like that!

      How long did this take you in iPhoto? Just curious because I have been thinking about messing around with some of B’s videos.

      • Aww thanks so much! πŸ™‚

        Well my videos were a mess or unorganization… so it took longer than it should have.. I am not sure how long as I did it in little bits over 2 days. If you have all your videos in one place and the right format for imovie (mine were not uggg), then from there it took about 2 hours to watch each one and cut them down to the parts I wanted to keep in the montage and make sure they all fit into the two songs. It was definitely worth it. I just love watching it now and know I will when Alidia is much older πŸ™‚

        The plane ride actually went so well… all of them did… but I don’t think they would be quite like that now that she is so much older as she doesn’t just fall asleep like that anymore.. ever!!!

    • Watching it makes me want another one too!!! Eep! The songs are both by JJ Heller. The first is called ‘I get to be the one’ and the second is called ‘Boat song’. She’s great πŸ™‚

  7. Oooooooooh. EMOTIONS. I can usually only make it ONE full minute into these montages before I kind of lose my shit. Stop growing babies! Also, continue growing and getting more awesome! But seriously, STOP IT!

    ❀ you Lids!

  8. So fantastic It’s crazier to see how they grow and move differently as the get bigger/older through a video rather than just pics.

    Alidia was/is so adorable! So can’t wait to see what her sibling(s) will look like.

  9. Yes, tears!!! She is going to love looking back at this one day! I just love those cheeks and bright curious eyes, beautiful baby! Good job mama!

  10. Late to the party here but ahhhh…this totally made me cry (in a good way)! Happy B-day to your little one! There is soooooooooo much love and joy in this video! Totally made my night. πŸ™‚

  11. Love love love this! I need to make this with all of Cambry’s videos. I love how you and your husband were in a lot of the videos. This has definitely inspired me to take more video of us with Cambry, and also more videos in general. I even made my hubby watch part of this! What a cutie and what a perfect way to capture the year.

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